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Legato Guitar Lessons

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 8 Videos
    • 34 Mins

    In this lesson, I’ve teamed up with Hutch to bring you a selection of each of our favourite exercises covering things like legato, finger strength and dexterity, alternate picking, sweep picking and more!

    Most of these exercises are very quick and easy to learn, you can do most of them in just 20-40 seconds and with a few repetitions and they’ll have a massive impact on your strength, dexterity and ultimately your playing.

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 4 Videos
    • 28 Mins

    In this lesson I’m going to show you two very different approaches to using Legato. We’re gonna cover that real fast old-school 90s style before moving right to the present with my current approach to Legato. It’s much more subtle, and allows for some killer note combinations.

    I’ve also included a mighty exercise that’s guaranteed to give you melon crushing abilities ๐Ÿ‰ ๐Ÿฅ‹

  • Melodic Rock Lick Breakdown
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    Stel Andre
    • 3 Videos
    • 13 Mins

    Today I’m going to teach you a really cool melodic rock lick that you can use to improve your improvisation and overall lead game.

    I’ll break down the full lick for you and explain how it is constructed as well as some of the theory behind it, followed by some awesome exercises which will help you improve the legato techniques required to play these types of licks.

  • Legato 101
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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 6 Videos
    • 32 Mins

    If you’ve wanted to incorporate legato into your playing this is the lesson for you – I’m going to give you all of the tools and information you need to incorporate this fun and explosive technique into your playing today!

    This lesson covers the fundamentals relating to the tone and mechanics of legato playing, as well as some deep dives into various ways I use legato in my own playing. It’s packed with tips and tricks as well as a selection of simple, quick exercises that will take your legato chops to the next level.

  • Blazing Speed Hack
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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 2 Videos
    • 15 Mins

    While it’s often possible to play very fast sequences purely with alternate picking, in this lesson I’m going to show you a simple hack that I use which makes it much easier to play an incredibly fast and impressive flurry of notes more easily and using far less energy.

    The cool thing about this technique is you can apply it to any note combination on any strings you like, which gives you a powerful shortcut to be able to come up with blazing fast licks of your own.

  • Italian Disco Solo Breakdowns
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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 3 Videos
    • 35 Mins

    In this lesson, you’re going to learn not one but two solos from the track Italian Disco by my band McRocklin and Hutch. These are a pair of fun and challenging solos which I’m sure you’ll have a blast with.

    The first solo works on your phrasing and melodic delivery whilst the second solo ups the ante and introduces some shorter staccato notes – and then we go all out with some sweeping, tapping and legato. It’s gonna require everything you’ve got to nail both of these, but the results are definitely going to be worth it!

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    Kieran Johnston
    • 3 Videos
    • 9 Mins

    In this lesson I’m going to teach you an awesome string skipped arpeggio sequence, very similar in style to one of my all-time favourite guitarists – Paul Gilbert.

    I’ll break this lick down for you and include plenty of insights and tips – including how you can put some variations on this lick and extend it with tapping, as well as some examples on how you can incorporate it into real-world playing situations.

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    Connor Kaminski
    • 4 Videos
    • 6 Mins

    In this lesson I’m going to show you a pretty crazy lick of mine, using the Mixolydian mode. Don’t worry if you aren’t confident with modes, there’s actually only one note difference between Mixolydian and Major, but it gives this lick a totally different flavour!

    Although it’s fairly short, this lick packs in a ton of different techniques including alternate picking, legato picking, sweep picking and a really cool sounding string skip octave section right at the end.

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    Micky Crystal
    • 3 Videos
    • 12 Mins

    Hey guys, Micky Crystal here and today I’ve got a very cool hybrid picking legato lick for you.

    I’m going to show you a couple of cool exercise to go along with this, and once you’ve learned the lick and the ideas behind it’ll enable you to create your own awesome hybrid picking legato licks.

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    Al Joseph
    • 2 Videos
    • 10 Mins

    Hi, I’m Al Joseph and today I’m going to teach you how to play the last solo section of my song “Elemental”.

    This solo makes heavy use of legato techniques, and in order to help you understand how it’s put together, I’m going to break down the harmony and patterns that I used to build this solo so that you can nail the mechanics and be able to apply these techniques to your own playing in different situations.

Thomas McRocklin

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