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Wah-wah Guitar Lessons

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 5 Videos
    • 44 Mins

    When you fire up a wah-wah pedal, it’s really easy to fall into playing cliche funk lines (which is a lot of fun) but this humble pedal is capable of so much more.

    In this lesson you’re going to learn some new techniques using wah-wah which will add an extra layer of excitement and expression to your playing – whether you’re shredding high-gain solos or playing chilled, ambient chords.

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 6 Videos
    • 35 Mins

    Funk guitar is one influence that can be found over and over again in my playing, whether I’m writing prog riffs, noodling around with clean tones, or anything in between. It’s so versatile and filled with many little techniques that will add flair to your playing in any genre.

    This lesson will help you break out of your current mindset to come up with new ideas and note combinations as well as improve your timing and sync between your picking and fretting hands – I even include a full tone overview detailing exactly how I dial in my funk tones!

Thomas McRocklin

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