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Masterclass Guitar Lessons

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 2 Videos
    • 55 Mins

    If for some reason you’ve never joined a live masterclass on School of McRock then fear not because we’ve edited this one down for you! The theme of this masterclass was all about solos, shred and how to construct your solos and improvised playing.

    During this masterclass I break down my entire approach to shredding, walking you through what goes on in my head from the moment I hear a backing track through to improvising a complete solo. Along the way, I pause to take questions from members about various topics and answer them live. If you’re new to shred, this class will help you get started on your journey – if you’re more experienced, it’s packed full of valuable tips and insights you can use to improve your playing. Let’s do it!

  • user avatar
    Thomas McRocklin
    • 2 Videos
    • 46 Mins

    In our most recent live masterclass, we delved deep into the world of tapping. Usually, we post some masterclass highlights after a session, but this time, we’re doing something different, because the tapping masterclass was so good, we decided to turn it into a full lesson.

    Whether you’re new to tapping or struggling to incorporate it into your playing fluently, I think you’ll get a lot from this lesson. Also, if you’ve never attended one of our masterclasses, it’ll give you a flavour of what you’ve been missing out on!

Thomas McRocklin

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