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Chords Guitar Lessons

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 4 Videos
    • 26 Mins

    Do you want to learn how to create monsterous, massive sounding riffs? In this lesson I’m going to break down my entire riff creation process from the ground up and give you all of the tools you need to write your own huge, monster riffs easily.

    We’ll look at how we can make our chords sound massive, simple methods to make your riffs more exciting, and plenty of other tips and techniques that will really bring your riff ideas to life.

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 16 Videos
    • 44 Mins

    Rhythm playing is one of those areas that is often overlooked, whether it’s because your timing isn’t so great or you just don’t have enough elements to create really killer sounding riffs.

    This lesson covers every aspect of my approach to rhythm playing, and it’s packed full of tips and insights that you’ll be able to pick up and apply to your playing today, whether you’re just starting our or you’ve been playing for years!

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 6 Videos
    • 27 Mins

    The acoustic guitar is such an amazing sounding instrument, both for playing stand-alone and for adding an extra dimension to tracks in production. So even if you’re a hardcore shredder, knowing how to get the most out of an acoustic guitar is essential.

    In this lesson I share with you 5 of my most essential techniques for playing acoustic guitar.

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 2 Videos
    • 15 Mins

    In this lesson we’re going to take a few nice sounding chords and use them to build a chord progression packed full of groove, flow and all of the details that make it sound absolutely popping.

    As we move forward step-by-step I’ll show you all of the subtle tips and tricks I use to turn simple chords into something amazing. Even better, you’ll be able to use the techniques I show you to instantly transform your old riffs and song ideas by injecting them with extra detail and expression!

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 3 Videos
    • 29 Mins
    In this lesson I’m going to teach you a super effective songwriting method that uses simple chord shapes and some basic music theory based around intervals, which is really easy to understand even if you’ve never learned theory before.
    As well as helping you to find inspiration and write songs, this method will also help you to visualise the fretboard and how the notes relate to each other, so it will really help you to feel more comfortable and confident moving around the neck.
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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 6 Videos
    • 35 Mins

    Funk guitar is one influence that can be found over and over again in my playing, whether I’m writing prog riffs, noodling around with clean tones, or anything in between. It’s so versatile and filled with many little techniques that will add flair to your playing in any genre.

    This lesson will help you break out of your current mindset to come up with new ideas and note combinations as well as improve your timing and sync between your picking and fretting hands – I even include a full tone overview detailing exactly how I dial in my funk tones!

  • Locking In Your Rhythm
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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 4 Videos
    • 39 Mins

    If your rhythm playing doesn’t seem like it’s tight and articulate, or you want to inject some more dynamics and expression into your playing, this is the lesson for you!

    In this lesson, we begin by finding the sweet spot for the perfect rhythm tone, before locking into a beat and gradually introducing techniques to build up your rhythm chops. Then, we’ll focus on introducing more rhythmic patterns such as triplets and upbeats that allow you to get creative and build your own unique, juicy riffs!

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 2 Videos
    • 41 Mins

    In this lesson, I’m going to show you how a variety of ways you can introduce melody and movement into chord progressions to make even simple chords sound really interesting.

    We’re going to jam around with some of my favourite concepts in real-time so that in addition to picking up some new techniques you can also gain valuable insights into how to apply them to your own playing.

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 2 Videos
    • 55 Mins

    If you’re looking to enhance your chord progressions and often find yourself stuck in the same old patterns and shapes every time you pick up your guitar, this lesson is for you!

    In this session, I demonstrate my exact method of stacking notes to create compelling chord sounds and help you identify melodies within chords, which can elevate simple progressions into captivating compositions.

  • Playing Over Chord Progressions
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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 3 Videos
    • 49 Mins

    Have you ever felt stuck while improvising over chords? As with all improvising, there isn’t only one correct way to do things but there are a few fundamental approaches that I use a lot in my own playing that I’d like to share with you.

    In this lesson I fire up a looper and play over several different chord progressions, pausing often to break down exactly how I approach different scenarios and share all of the techniques I use to come up with note choices and phrases on top of various styles of chord progression.

Thomas McRocklin

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