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Scales Guitar Lessons

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 6 Videos
    • 17 Mins

    One of the most common questions I get asked is: “How do I break out from playing the same licks right in the middle of the fretboard all of the time”

    I’m going to show you some scales that all link up together and explain how you can use them to unlock the entire fretboard – giving you much more clarity on how to can come up with great note choices, breathe some fresh life into your playing and improve your improvisation skills in any key.

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 6 Videos
    • 28 Mins

    I use harmonic minor in a lot of my playing and I love the sound it provides, but it can also sound very corny if you overuse it so I’ve developed a lot of techniques to blend it with other complementary scales so that it sounds unique and different, without being too distinctive.

    In this lesson I’ll teach you exactly how I use harmonic minor and go into detail on some my favourite scale positions (with tabs) to show you the best fingering options available.

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 2 Videos
    • 46 Mins

    It’s time to dive into one of my favorite topics: keys to play in. Now, we all have our preferred keys for shredding, but my favourite keys hold a special place for a unique reason and have profoundly influenced my songwriting, chord progressions, riffs, and even lead lines.

    Throughout this lesson, I’ll walk you through the keys I love and why I chose them. I can’t wait to share this with you because it’s a major part of how I approach playing, and I believe it can greatly impact your style too so buckle up and get ready to inject some creativity and excitement into your playing.

  • My Favourite Keys
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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 4 Videos
    • 39 Mins

    One of the questions I get asked a lot is – what tuning are you in? I always play in standard tuning, but the way you approach chords and phrasing in different keys can completely transform the way they sound.

    This lesson gives you all the insights into my approach to playing in my favourite keys. I’ll show you how to re-train your fingers to come up with some amazing sounds based on familiar shapes and how to layer harmonics onto chords to create epic soundscapes.

  • The World Of Pentatonics
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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 7 Videos
    • 23 Mins

    Pentatonic scales are extremely useful but it’s very important to understand what they are and what you can do with them, or else your playing can easily become very boxed in.

    In this lesson I’m going to teach you all about pentatonic concepts and how I approach using them in my own playing. I’ll show you how you can keep your licks sounding fresh by jumping in and out of pentatonics and adding additional notes as well as contrasting them with additional arpeggios and scales – which is something I do all of the time!

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 4 Videos
    • 30 Mins

    Do you find yourself stuck playing the same scales and patterns all the time?

    In this lesson we’re going to pick a few different keys to improvise in but we’re going to completely ban the obvious and comfortable scale positions you’re used to! Instead I’ll show you some cool new shapes and patterns to use which will force you into using new note choices and phrasing options to help you break out of your habits and breath new life into your playing!

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 2 Videos
    • 42 Mins

    This lesson starts with a dominant 7th arpeggio vs harmonic minor theme, but quickly turns into a treasure chest of some of my favourite ways to break away from playing in the default scale positions that many guitarists find themselves trapped in.

    Follow me as I show you various ways that you can come up with new and fresh note combinations, the results of this will make your solos more unique and exciting to not only play but also to listen to!

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    Thomas McRocklin
    • 2 Videos
    • 21 Mins

    We all know how repetitive arpeggios can get if you play them up and down, so in this lesson, I’ll teach you how to break these familiar shapes into something cool and unique by using fragments of arpeggios to create a fresh, new sound.

    We’ll also dive into some techniques for using minor scales more interestingly, and I’ll share some of my best tips on incorporating three-note-per-string patterns for added speed and fluidity.

Thomas McRocklin

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