School of McRock is becoming - click here to find out more
Screenshot of video chat

Join the community on Discord

Hang out with Thomas and other School of McRock members, get help whenever you need it, suggest lesson topics, request new features and much more!!

Step 1 - Join the public McRocklin Discord community below

Step 2 - Once you're in, type /school to link your member account to Discord and unlock the hidden School of McRock channels!

Step 3 - That's it, you're done! You can keep in touch using your web browser of via the Discord App on Desktop, iOS or Android.


Community support

Get help when you need it from Thomas and the rest of our community. Our members chat is available 24/7 via web browser or mobile app.

Screenshot of members chat

Coffee with McRocklin

Grab a guitar, fire up your webcam and join us for a jam! "Coffee with McRocklin" is your chance to hang out with Thomas and other School of McRock students on a relaxed group video call.

Screenshot of video chat

Get feedback on your playing

As part of our Live Masterclass Q&A sessions, we invite our members to send us videos of their playing for direct feedback and advice from Thomas.

Screenshot of player feedback video

You ask, we listen.

We listen to our members and produce the content that you want to see. Lots of our lessons are inspired by or requested from members and we've even reached out to other guitarists to create lessons that our members have asked for!

Lesson launching after a member requested it

What other guitarists are saying aboutSchool of McRock

SoM Student
SoM Student
I have been playing guitar for 3 years and I have tried JamPlay, Truefire, YouTube... but the progress I have made in 1 month here with your lessons is unbelievable.
SoM Student
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Thomas McRocklin

Join Now

  • 14 day all-access free trial
  • 100s of hours of exclusive content
  • Brand new lessons every week
  • Huge backing track library
  • Monthly live masterclasses
  • Friendly, supportive community

100% Risk-Free - If we don't make you a better guitarist, let us know within 90 days for a full refund - no questions asked!