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McRocklin Suite Launch Trailer Breakdown

McRocklin Suite Launch Trailer Breakdown

  • 2 Videos
  • 62 Mins
  • Includes Backing Track

In this lesson, I’m going to break down the full track from the Polychrome DSP launch video, which is an absolute banger! This song had a lot of fireworks and exciting parts to showcase the plugin to the best of its ability.

Throughout the lesson, I’ll focus on a couple of phrases that are less about technique and more about delivery, with simpler note choices that are more based on emotion, feelings, and expression. There are a couple of solos and certain parts of the song that really dive into that style of playing in a big way. Don’t worry, I’ll break everything down nice and slowly, so you’ll be fine. I have every confidence in you, so grab the backing track that’s included with this lesson, and let’s go!

Thomas McRocklin

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