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Let’s Jam 2

Let’s Jam 2

  • 2 Videos
  • 32 Mins
  • Includes Backing Track

Get ready for an exciting session where we trade licks and engage in a shred battle! We’ll go back and forth, giving each other plenty of space to showcase our skills. While I hold down the rhythm, you’ll take over and unleash your lead playing!

I’ve prepared an awesome backing track for us, and as we progress, there’s a cool chord change that opens up some fantastic options for us to explore. It’s easy to fall into the trap of playing the same sounds throughout our solos, so this is an excellent opportunity to delve into changing up our note choices. We’ll switch between different modes, incorporate pentatonic and minor scales, and even experiment with outside notes. It’s all about maximizing the impact of our solos, whether they’re eight bars or sixteen bars long.

Thomas McRocklin

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