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3 Licks, 3 Approaches

3 Licks, 3 Approaches

  • 2 Videos
  • 40 Mins

    In this lesson, I’ll be teaching you three distinctive licks. The first uses outside notes, which are so easy to implement into your playing and can completely transform your sound. Next up, I’ll be teaching a repeating pattern-based riff that’s not only a lot of fun to play but also great for developing dexterity in your left hand. We’ll also be diving into a shred-based lick that uses hammer-ons out of nowhere to really work on your left-hand strength, and it’s so cool to play.

    But wait, there’s more! We’ll finish off with some shred that uses three different types of sounds in one lick. I struggled with this lick myself, but I figured out what the problem was and identified how to fix it. So not only will you learn some killer licks today, but you’ll also see firsthand how to troubleshoot and overcome obstacles in your playing.

    Thomas McRocklin

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